Contact Meer


So, you want to get a hold of Meer for some reason?  Wanna send me hate mail, death threats, or sacrificial offerings?  Or just wanna chat?  Well then pounce on me already!

Places around the PC where you can find Meer:
Whiskerwick Profile
RKC Profile
Duke's Group Profile
Seeing Stars Profile
The Flea Market Auctions
Discord Name:  Meer#2631

Other places around da interwebz where you can find Meer:
DeviantArt:  Meeronver-Darkhoof
FurAffinity:  Meeronver
Archive of Our Own:  MeeronverDarkhoof
Facebook:  Meeronver Darkhoof

I'd be happy to chat, so go ahead and poke me any time.  Just keep in mind that I'm very shy, even online, so if I don't say much, it's not cuz I don't like you, and I'm not trying to be rude!

Also, I may sometimes take a while to respond, depending on where you contact me.   For example, I have Facebook, but hardly ever use it.  Your best bet to get a hold of me these days is e-mail me or contact me on one of the PC forums I'm on.  I lurk around several Petz related Discord channels pretty often and PUGS as well.  But things shift based on what I'm doing at the time.

*chews on you kneecaps*